Hildebrandt, M. & Meyer, H.A. (in Vorbereitung).
Time tracking of navigation in complex, interactive documents:
Methodology and application to online research and Website
Contribution for IuK99 - Dynamic Documents, Jena.
- Abstract
For both online research and the improvement of Web-based
information services it is essential to obtain exact behavioral
data about the user's interaction with the computer system.
Conventional records (e.g. log files, user feedback) are
inadequate measures for many purposes. Much more detailed
information can be obtained from a time-stamped, event-related
protocol of the user's navigation within and between electronic
documents. We present a client-side solution for creating such a
protocol in an HTML environment, demonstrate its implementation
in Web applications and discuss its benefits.
Current online research relies largely on log file analysis, CGI
protocols or user feedback (questionnaires, e-mail). The former
two methods track the user's navigation between documents, but
only with a poor temporal resolution. Activities within a
document -- especially in interactive documents -- are not
accessible. Questionnaires provide qualitative information, but
user feedback can be rare and sometimes unreliable. We developed
a quantitative method for tracking users' activities (i.e. clicks
or keyboard entries) at a high temporal resolution. Activation of
any HTML element (e.g. text fields, buttons, links) can be
recorded separately, and can be related to events generated by a
dynamic HTML page (e.g. display of text, sounds, etc.). This
allows the construction of a detailed profile of the user's
interaction with the system. The method has been used to
evaluate, among others, an interactive educational Web
application ('Poetry Quiz'). It was also employed in browser-
based experiments on hypertext navigation and time perception. We
propose this simple, inconspicuous and effective procedure as a
valuable source of behavioral information for a wide range of
Correspondence concerning this proposition should be addressed to
H. A. Meyer, FB 3 - Psychologie, University of Kassel, Holl.
Platz, D-34109 Kassel (e-mail: hameyer@hrz.uni-kassel.de).
further on:
Hildebrandt, M., Meyer, H.A. & Janetzko, D. (1998).
JAVA-basierte Versuchsdurchführung: Potentiale und Probleme am
Beispiel von Reaktionszeitexperimenten.
Vortrag im Rahmen der Tagung "German Online Research '98", Mannheim.
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